BlueCielo Kronodoc 5.0 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About infrastructure setup for Red Hat Enteprise Linux > Operating System Setup > Enabling Oracle to access project data

Enabling Oracle to access project data

The Kronodoc projects directory must be made accessible to the Oracle database server user account through the file system. This can be accomplished using the procedure described below. If Kronodoc and the database are running on the same server, steps 1 and 3 can be skipped:

  1. [remote db] Export the projects directory (KronodocData mountpoint) from the Kronodoc server to the database server as read-only using NFS or SAN. Allow access for the database server address only.
  2. [remote db] Mount the directory on the database server e.g. in /kronodata/projects. Make the mount point owned by oracle and disallow access for other users. Ensure that files are readable by the oracle account.
  3. [remote db] Create Kronodoc group on database server with group ID matching the corresponding group on the Kronodoc server.
  4. Make the Oracle database server oracle account a member of the Kronodoc group.

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